The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel

Transition Series: Episode 1

The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel - Movie Showing and Director Discussion

Join us on February 26th at 6:00pm MST for a community screening of The New Corporation. We will be joined afterwards by directors Jennifer Abbot and Joel Bakan for a Q&A and call to action.

This is a by donation event, with proceeds going to offset event costs, and any profits shared with the film makers.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Transition Series. This film and speaker series brings together many of Alberta's progressive organizations to profile social, economic and environmental issues faced by Albertans today, and take action! These will be monthly digital events with curated film, book, and keynote speakers.

Collaborators include Open Streets Events, Calgary Climate Hub, Green Calgary, Fridays For Future YYC, Fair Trade Calgary, TedX Calgary, The Parkland Institute, Permaculture Guild Calgary, Engineers Without Borders, and The Allium Worker Cooperative! Once a month, one organization will take a turn presenting.

The series kicks off with a screening of The New Corporation, and will be followed by a live virtual chat and call to action with directors Joel Bakan and Jennifer Abbott.

We will then 'pass the baton' to the next organization, who will identify a relevant piece to show at the end of next month, and so on. The schedule of presenters is currently being finalized, so keep an eye out for more information coming soon. Visit for more info.



Contact the organizer:

Jared Blustein


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